

Trago Amargo

I wrote and illustrated a comic for Cloudscape Comics’s anthology Labyrinths of the Mind, which explores mental health through comics by a diverse selection of creators from British Columbia and beyond. Trago Amargo (bitter pill) was inspired by something my dad said to me before we entered one of the most financially challenging times in our family. It provides a snapshot of my personal experience being an immigrant having to support my family in El Salvador.

Edited by Hannah Myers

This Week Inside My Body

"This Week Inside my Body" is a bi-weekly comic about body anxiety, sexuality, and health for Adolescent Content
Client: Adolescent Content
AD: Alli Menscher and Charlotte Medina


Mythical Tidbits is Titmouse, Inc.’s 3rd comic zine created by female and non-binary artists of the Titmouse Vancouver Studio. PLEASE READ is a short comic inspired by the scariest place in the world: the internet.

This zine was organized by Jade Poon and produced by Shannon Prynoski.

Mythical Tidbits comic PLEASE READ by Karla Monterrosa - a comic about a youtuber who pretends her brother has been kidnapped for views